In the current economic climate, companies are more in need than ever of professionals who can systematize and bring their projects to fruition to boost their efficiency. Indeed, at the moment, only 8% of organisations are regarded as ‘high performance’ with regard to achieving the objectives of the projects they undertake. A low-performing company poses a capital risk almost fourteen times higher than companies with excellent performance results, a contrast that can mean the difference between whether a company is viable or not*.
Some 80% of the energy consumption of buildings takes place during their use. Knowing how to manage a building properly is equally or even more important than building it efficiently. Facility management is a service-management discipline for buildings which ensures the optimum management of the building and its associated services by integrating people, spaces, processes and technologies.
One of the main missions of architects is to ensure the free access of every person to any space, regardless of their abilities. The right to equality of all citizens under law and their protection from discrimination is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Starting up a business is, in many respects, an adventure of trial and error in which minimising risk is a key factor in achieving success. Being able to rely on a good team of professionals allows entrepreneurs to reduce that risk by defining aspects such as added value, commercial strategy and customer journey maps, amongst others.
La cerimònia de lliurament va tenir lloc el dimarts 3 de desembre a Madrid, al saló de plens del Senat, i va comptar amb la presència de S.A.R. el príncep Felip de Borbó, la ministra de Foment, Ana Pastor, el president del Senat, Pío García Escudero i el president del CSCAE, Jordi Ludevid.
Thanks to their training, architects have in-depth structural knowledge which allows them to undertake the inspection, diagnosis and certification of existing buildings. Below you will find a description of each of these procedures:
Technical Building Inspection (ITE)
Study at Sert School
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