Catalonia, and more specifically Barcelona, is recognised internationally for the quality of its public spaces, which are also one of our most highly valued cultural assets. Being able to enjoy high-quality public spaces enhances and intensifies human relations, allowing us to interact with people who do not form part of our own immediate circle, opening up a host of possibilities.
When we leave our homes, we need the spaces we inhabit to provide us with a feeling of safety and wellbeing, and to facilitate social interaction. Our community, our street, our squares, our children’s school playground, the sidewalk where we go for coffee, the building where we work and all the spaces we pass through every day must be designed to provide us with these values.
Architects and urban planners have been trained to spearhead the necessary processes of change in our cities and public spaces thanks to training that combines technical, cultural and social knowledge and that provides a holistic vision of our habitat. This fact helps us to create synergies with other professionals and social agents with a view to improving the quality of life in our cities and our region.
With this type of project, the most important decisions are taken at the very outset of the process, before work even starts on its design, and therefore well before any construction. It is at this initial stage that the success of your project is decided.Choosing the right team of professionals and collaborators is one of the most important decisions that you can make. Before starting the search, consider the needs of your project and ask yourself the following questions, whatever your experience and the complexity of your project may be:
• Do I have a strategy or plan in place that addresses all my requirements and encompasses the whole project?
• Am I sure that the chosen option addresses all of my needs?
• Am I confident that I will achieve the maximum benefit from the planned actions?
• How sustainable and durable over time is my solution?
• Do I trust my suppliers?
The COAC recommends that you visit the Job Bank to help you select the best professionals for your project.