Turisme de Barcelona ha publicat les estadístiques de turisme correponents a 2014. En la valoració de Barcelona, enquestats sobre diferents aspectes de la ciutat, els turistes valoren com a primer aspecte destacat de la ciutat la seva oferta arquitectònica, que puntuen amb un 8,8 sobre 10, situant-se per davant de l’oferta cultural o l’oci i entreteniment. Això no és nou, doncs al menys des de 2007, l'oferta arquitectònica és l'element més valorat pels turistes.
Painter, sculptor and photographer Carl Nesjar passed away on May 23rd at the age of 94. COAC had a special relation to Nesjar, who was recognized as one of the most important contemporary artists of Norway. He carried out the sgraffiti of the COAC headquarters' facade in Barcelona, based on Picasso's drawings made specifically for our building.
The journal, which features a leading article titled Home and contradiction, is dedicated to housing and contains an interview with Ada Colau, held before becoming Mayor of Barcelona. The journal presents several houses and pays special attention to cooperative housing, discussing with architects Martí Anson and Manuel Brullet about their experience with a collective housing built in Mataro.
COAC has awarded the 2015 Cooperation Grants for local and international development projects related to architecture and urbanism.
The Jury has assessed the eight proposals that were submitted, considering the architecture, the use of local materials, social participation, and.compliance criteria.
Thus, grants were awarded to the following projects:
Renovation and extension of a maternity in Guiba, Burkina Faso, by architect Albert Faus Madrid. Grant awarded: 6,000 euros.
El primer semestre de l'any s'ha tancat amb 1.441.685 m2 visats, un 39% més respecte el mateix període de l'any anterior. Si es compara amb el segon semestre de 2014, moment en què es va constatar el canvi de tendència, l'increment ha estat del 15%.
Kazuo Shinohara, as he designed Fissure Space, wrote that although Fissure Space looks like it disconnects spaces on both sides, in fact it creates a connection between those spaces. That`s true indeed. It is normally thought that continuity between two points should be stronger with nothing in between than with something.
Kazuo Shinohara, as he designed Fissure Space, wrote that although Fissure Space looks like it disconnects spaces on both sides, in fact it creates a connection between those spaces. That`s true indeed.
Esta visita, dirigida exclusivamente a los arquitectos colegiados, tendrá lugar el 16 de julio a las 16 h.
Se requiere confirmación de asistencia por correo electrónico a info@patinunezagency.com. Se debe incluir la siguiente información: nombre, apellido y número de colegiado. Las plazas son limitadas.