Architect César Azcárate presents this photography exhibition where he turns abandoned spaces into new places, sometimes imaginary, sometimes possible spaces. Thus, with reference to empty buildings, the series "Imaginary Spaces" discusses the boundary between reality and imagination, using different angles and unusual views. New perspectives, forgotten spaces and the imaginary world are the three pillars of his work, highlighting the infinite capacity of suggestion of anonymous architecture.
On January the 8th, architect Lance Jay Brown will deliver* his lecture 'Design for Risk: The Post-Sandy Initiative'. How is the design community responding to climate, social and environmental change? We will debate about the challenges and opportunities related to existing and emerging risks, both locally and regionally.
Com s'està preparant la comunitat del disseny per dissenyar i donar resposta al canvi climàtic, social i ambiental? Conversarem sobre els desafiaments i les oportunitats relacionades amb els riscos existents i emergents, tant a escala local com regional.
Construction workshops are scheduled for December the 29th and 30th, aimed at children over 6 years old. With these workshops, which will be held at Plaça Nova, the Architects' Association opens its doors to host children activities during Christmas holidays.
The exhibition 'Altres Pessebres', which opens until January 10th at COAC headquarters, brings together a selection of works of the 1st Alternative Competition of Nativity Scenes, aimed at architects, artists, designers to reinterpret and expand the idea of Nativity.