El resultat d’aquest estat de la qüestió, d’aquest survey fotogràfic i tècnic, encarregat a fotògrafs de prestigi com Manolo Laguillo, Gabriele Basilico i Joan Fontcuberta, entre d’altres, va ser publicat a la revista "Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme" n. 186 de 1990 amb el títol “Barcelona, una geografia virtual”.
El resultat d’aquest estat de la qüestió, d’aquest survey fotogràfic i tècnic, encarregat a fotògrafs de prestigi com Manolo Laguillo, Gabriele Basilico i Joan Fontcuberta, entre d’altres, va ser publicat a la revista "Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme" n. 186 de 1990 amb el títol “Barcelona, una geografia virtual”.
L’objectiu general és posar en valor l’interès públic de l’arquitectura, assegurar-ne la preservació com a patrimoni cultural i social, així com distingir-la com a bé fonamental per garantir el benestar de les persones i la cohesió social dotant-la d'objectius de qualitats en tot tipus de projectes.
Catalonia, and more specifically Barcelona, is recognised internationally for the quality of its public spaces, which are also one of our most highly valued cultural assets. Being able to enjoy high-quality public spaces enhances and intensifies human relations, allowing us to interact with people who do not form part of our own immediate circle, opening up a host of possibilities.
The ageing process of buildings makes it essential to carry out regular maintenance to guarantee they are kept in an optimum state of conservation over the years. Also, as a result of changes in the needs of their regular users or even different uses, more wide-ranging renovations often have to be made. Finally, there is the possibility that the building in question is protected by some form of heritage listing or, even if it is not officially listed, that it has certain formal or decorative features that should be preserved and restored.
The sustainable development of our cities and buildings is becoming one of society’s main requirements along with other needs associated with comfort, durability and economy. Despite the good image that the whole sustainable development movement has acquired, there is still a long way to go. The implementation of sustainable development in the construction sector—which represents around 40% of energy consumption in Spain—is one of the biggest challenges facing Architecture in the 21st century.
In the current economic climate, companies are more in need than ever of professionals who can systematize and bring their projects to fruition to boost their efficiency. Indeed, at the moment, only 8% of organisations are regarded as ‘high performance’ with regard to achieving the objectives of the projects they undertake. A low-performing company poses a capital risk almost fourteen times higher than companies with excellent performance results, a contrast that can mean the difference between whether a company is viable or not*.
Some 80% of the energy consumption of buildings takes place during their use. Knowing how to manage a building properly is equally or even more important than building it efficiently. Facility management is a service-management discipline for buildings which ensures the optimum management of the building and its associated services by integrating people, spaces, processes and technologies.
One of the main missions of architects is to ensure the free access of every person to any space, regardless of their abilities. The right to equality of all citizens under law and their protection from discrimination is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.