© Takumi Ota
TRIBUNA COAC: conferencia de Kengo Kuma
Sala d'Actes
19 h
El miércoles 19 de noviembre se celebra una nueva edición del Tribuna COAC, que esta vez contará con la presencia del arquitecto japonés Kengo Kuma. La conferencia, titulada “After 3.11”, tendrá lugar en la sala de actos de plaça Nova, y cuenta con la colaboración del Smart City Expo World Congress. Kuma nos hablará* sobre cómo "minimiza" la arquitectura, especialmente desde el desastre natural del 2011 en Japón, con el objetivo de colaborar "en el tránsito del mundo hacia las pequeñas cosas".
* La conferencia será en inglés.
Tribuna COAC es una nueva propuesta del Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya que tiene el objetivo de facilitar que las personas con responsabilidad y capacidad de influir y decidir en el ámbito de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo puedan dar a conocer de primera mano su punto de vista, acciones y propuestas.
Ver el vídeo de la conferencia
“Minimize”- The World is Moving Toward Small Things
It was always a natural disaster that directed the course of our civilizations, but the great disaster of 3.11 differed from any other catastrophes since the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake. Nature was desperately forceful as never before. However “strong” or “rational” the structures were, the tsunami flattened Tohoku coastline in seconds. The nuclear accident that followed further revealed the inability of “big and strong” architecture. In front of radiation, concrete or steel meant nothing, even though nuclear energy was a solution for our desire since the Lisbon tragedy, to become bigger, stronger, and more efficient. Now that such a process collapsed on itself, we have to start from scratch. Even before 3.11, I had already been fed up with massive concrete and steel buildings, and began to design a number of small works of architecture. You can build them on your own with nearby materials and be totally independent from strong powers – or rather, dependent solely on the nature. Now I sense that the whole world is shifting toward small things. We are no longer passive creatures who are spoon-fed from a giant yet unreliable system. Each individual starts to nest by him or herself and get energy on his or her own. A new relationship is being formed between people and the world. In the lecture I will discuss how I “minimize” architecture to help this transit.

* La conferencia será en inglés.
Tribuna COAC es una nueva propuesta del Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya que tiene el objetivo de facilitar que las personas con responsabilidad y capacidad de influir y decidir en el ámbito de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo puedan dar a conocer de primera mano su punto de vista, acciones y propuestas.
Ver el vídeo de la conferencia
“Minimize”- The World is Moving Toward Small Things
It was always a natural disaster that directed the course of our civilizations, but the great disaster of 3.11 differed from any other catastrophes since the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake. Nature was desperately forceful as never before. However “strong” or “rational” the structures were, the tsunami flattened Tohoku coastline in seconds. The nuclear accident that followed further revealed the inability of “big and strong” architecture. In front of radiation, concrete or steel meant nothing, even though nuclear energy was a solution for our desire since the Lisbon tragedy, to become bigger, stronger, and more efficient. Now that such a process collapsed on itself, we have to start from scratch. Even before 3.11, I had already been fed up with massive concrete and steel buildings, and began to design a number of small works of architecture. You can build them on your own with nearby materials and be totally independent from strong powers – or rather, dependent solely on the nature. Now I sense that the whole world is shifting toward small things. We are no longer passive creatures who are spoon-fed from a giant yet unreliable system. Each individual starts to nest by him or herself and get energy on his or her own. A new relationship is being formed between people and the world. In the lecture I will discuss how I “minimize” architecture to help this transit.
