A les 10.30 del matí visitarem el SDA de Campclar (consulta el punt de trobada) i, a continuació, el recentment inaugurat Complex Parroquial de Bonavista. Al finalitzar la visita es servirà el tradicional vermut.
Descarrega la invitació
On 18 February at 7.30 pm, the studio Pereda Pérez Arquitectos will be giving a lecture at the Tarragona branch office of the Architects’ Association to speak to us about their most recent architectural work.
Download the invitation
The exhibition of the 9th ALEJANDRO DE LA SOTA BIENNIAL, which was available to visit at the COAC’s Tarragona branch office up to mid-August 2015, is beginning a tour of various towns and cities of the El Camp de Tarragona region.
From 15 September until 15 November 2015, the exhibition will be at the Escola d’Art i Disseny de la Diputació, in Reus.
In 1991, a photographers' association in Reus published a collection of 10 photographs of Mr Manuel Cuadrada i Gisbert (1896-1957) as a tribute to this pioneer of the art of photography, who opened up possibilities at a time when practising the art of light was, quite simply, an adventure.