The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe announced on December 16th the list of 420 projects competing for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2015.
Works nominated for the Prize are put forward by independent experts from all over Europe as well as by the member associations of the Architects’ Council of Europe, national architects’ associations, and the Advisory Committee of the Prize.
Expertos independientes internacionales y las asociaciones del Architects’ Council of Europe, los Colegios de Arquitectos nacionales y el Comité Asesor del Premio han sido los encargados de nominar las 420 obras.
Experts independents internacionals i les associacions de l’Architects’ Council of Europe, els Col·legis d’Arquitectes nacionals i el Comitè Assessor del Premi han estat els encarregats de nominar les 420 obres.
The Architects' Association for the Defence of Intervention in the Architectural Heritage (AADIPA) and the Architects' Association of Catalunya announce the second European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention, with the aim of distinguishing best practices in heritage and contributing to their dissemination.
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Gobierno Civil building in Tarragona, as well as the centenary of architect Alejandro de la Sota's birth. Therefore, the exhibition "100 years with Alejandro de la Sota" will open on November 18th. Our wish is that it will be as successful as earlier exhibitions in the CGAC and COAM.
La jornada forma part del Curset però oberta a tots els membres de l’AADIPA i als arquitectes col·legiats.
As a co-founder of Light Earth Design, Rich works in the design of sustainable solutions with local materials for the development of construction in Rwanda, as well as the design of best practice solutions to accommodate first generation urban dwellers.