Thanks to their training, architects have in-depth structural knowledge which allows them to undertake the inspection, diagnosis and certification of existing buildings. Below you will find a description of each of these procedures:
Technical Building Inspection (ITE)
A mandatory inspection which all apartment blocks are required to comply with in accordance with legal regulations. The technician makes a visual inspection of the common areas of the building (structure, construction and communal facilities) and issues a report identifying any possible damage and assessing its state of conservation. Based on this report, the Catalan government issues a Building Warrant of Fitness for the building. To get this certificate it may be necessary for any damages that have been identified to be repaired, depending on how serious they are. Once the Building Warrant of Fitness has been issued, it is valid for 10 years. The deadline for applying for a Building Warrant of Fitness depends on the year the building was constructed.
For further information or to request an ITE, click here and here.
Clik here to check the Guide to manage apartment building's rehabilitation
Certificate of Energy Efficiency for existing buildings (CEE)
All buildings or parts thereof (apartments, premises, etc.) are required to provide an Energy Efficiency Certificate whenever they are rented or sold.
This certificate is an informative document which gives the energy rating for CO2 emissions resulting from the energy consumption of the building or its component part. Depending on the figure obtained, the building is assigned a letter, ranging from A (the most energy efficient) to G (the least energy efficient). Furthermore, it provides information on the energy specifications of the building’s walls and roofs (insulation and air- and water-tightness) and its utility installations (heating, air-conditioning and hot water systems).
The certificate also includes an annex, aimed at the general public, which sets out reasonable, achievable recommendations for improvements to ensure better energy performance of the building, apartment or premises.
For further information or to request a CEE, click here or here to get the CEE Guide
Certificate of Occupancy for second occupancy:
The Certificate of Occupancy is an official document which verifies that a building fulfils the minimum habitability requirements demanded by current legislation and that it is suitable to be used as a residential property. It is absolutely essential to have this certificate whenever renting or selling a property. To obtain or renew the certificate, these conditions must be verified by an architect by means of a Certificate of Occupancy for second occupancy.
For further information or to request a Certificate of Occupancy, click here